Community Bridges Inc (CBI) is a social justice nonprofit organization that advocates for the protection of Human Rights, Housing Rights, Disability Rights and Education Rights.
CBI also advocates for the equitable inclusion of people with lived-experience of homelessness on our local U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Continua of Care (CoC) subcommittees, including those that make decisions about funding and system-wide policies.
Welcome To Community Bridges Inc. (C.B.I)
Housing Advocacy, Conflict Resolution & Consulting
C.B.I is a nonprofit organization that arose in 2019 in response to an ongoing crisis involving housing discrimination, gentrification, displacement and human rights violations disproportionately affecting low-income and chronically homeless African American individuals and families with school-aged children.
Our organization prioritizes the need for enhanced eviction protections and equitable inclusion of people with lived-experience of homelessness in our local, state and federal plans to prevent and end homelessness in America.

It's Time For Inclusion & Housing NOT Retaliation & Homelessness!
There is a growing awareness among the general public that our civil courts and environmental courts are not the solution to our affordable housing and homelessness crisis; they are actually part of the cause of the crisis.
The evidence is clear that homelessness is decreased in cities that focus on inclusion and housing first and increased in cities that participate in forced evictions and the criminalization of homelessness.
Across the country, cities are supporting systemic isolation (black balling), racially motivated police harassment, and retaliatory forced evictions against social justice advocates despite the absence of the RIGHT TO COUNSEL or ENFORCED codes & habitability inspections that could prevent health complications, police harassment, unwarranted forced evictions and homelessness.
Discrimination and retaliation against advocates that results in homelessness, cost more money than simply solving the problem by ensuring access to adequate housing.
These inhumane discriminatory patterns of practice violate human rights, constitutional rights, create criminal records, fines and fees that stand in the way of homeless people's ability to obtain safe, sanitary and affordable housing.
The time is right for a national campaign to end retaliatory forced evictions that cause homelessness--and push for effective housing policies that protect social justice advocates, prevent forced evictions and end homelessness.

Housing as a Human Right
"As we work to prevent and end homelessness, it is vital that people with lived-experience be at the forefront of policy development, implementation, and evaluation..."​
~Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs ~
"Independent monitoring of the implementation of the right to housing is a central component of the obligation to progressively realize the right."
~International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights~
"Having the right to housing does not mean that the government must build a house for every person in America and give it to them free of charge. It does, however, allocate ultimate responsibility to the government to progressively realize the right to adequate housing, whether by devoting resources to public housing, universal vouchers, or renters tax credits by creating incentives for the private development of affordable housing such as inclusionary zoning or the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit, through market regulation such as rent control, through legal due process protections from eviction or foreclosure, and upholding the right to counsel to enforce those protections and ensuring habitable conditions through housing codes and inspections, or by ensuring homeless persons are not threatened with civil or criminal penalties for sheltering themselves in the absence of adequate alternatives."
~ National Homelessness Law Center &
National Low Income Housing Coalition 2020 Advocates Guide ~
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